Dubbing dialogue (pairs/ 3s)
You will be muting the original audio, then recreating the spoken word content of short film scenes and dubbing it over the original moving image sequence.
For this workshop , your main focus should be timing and technical accuracy in lipsyncing and editing : you will not be graded for how similar your voices or acting are to the originals.
Select a suitable film sequence from
/ MEDIA/ 1 2018 SOUNDTRACK PRODUCTION/ Dubbing workshop clips
or download your own from Youtube ( convert to mp4 using a Youtube converter). The scene must have some onscreen dialogue .
or download your own from Youtube ( convert to mp4 using a Youtube converter). The scene must have some onscreen dialogue .
Write a script of the spoken word content of the scene ( if there is a lot of dialogue, you can use just part of the scene ).
Record your dialogue
matching your recording as closely to the original as possible. This can be
done live on Garageband , with the video playing back as you record , or through practice and
copying what you hear.
Don't worry about editing the other sounds in the clip: this workshop is all about dialogue.
Edit the sequence to ensure the dialogue is synced to the original sequence as closely as possible. This may involve some editing of the recordings.
You can adjust volume within the track . Click on MIX /Show automation on the top of the screen and add points to the volume envelope
File /Movie/ export audio to movie as a mov file and save to your desktop.
Finally , upload your clips to a new blog
post called DUBBING WORKSHOP ( can be via Youtube)
and write a 200-300 evaluation of your workshop experiments.
This should include :
explanation of technical methods and software/hardware used ( recording, editing , microphone type, sound quality, background noise etc)
explanation of any problems or errors
This should include :
explanation of technical methods and software/hardware used ( recording, editing , microphone type, sound quality, background noise etc)
explanation of any problems or errors
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