
Friday, 28 February 2020

4.2 Pitching your documentary proposal

In the week starting  Monday 2nd March you will be all be pitching the proposal for your documentary in David's lessons. If you are in groups everyone must contribute to the planning and delivery of the pitch.

The proposal should be a Powerpoint presentation delivered  in front of the class who will be asking questions.

The proposal must cover the following :

content outline; target audience; resources; personnel requirements, eg cast and crew, group/individual roles , budget; project schedule /deadlines , market fit ( possible channel/time of  broadcast, USP)

Tuesday, 4 February 2020



For your final assignment you will be planning ( writing a proposal) then completely redubbing the audio elements from two moving image scenes ( film/TV/animation , 1 minutes +)

This will put into practice the techniques you have learnt during the audio workshops and you can use at least one scene you have previously studied.  You will be  assessed for the following ;

Creativity , technical quality, detailed and varied sound mixes, variety of technical skills and methods used, range of sound types and sound sources.

Remember :  You must recreate all of the diegetic sounds that the audience would expect to hear in your scenes, such as  dialogue and sound effects. You can choose to add in other non-diegetic elements such as music or voiceover.

You must use  some dialogue dubbing, music and  at least one Foley( homemade)  effect  in at least one of your soundtracks. It would be best to use music in only one of your scenes and  a variety of subtle and creative techniques in both of your scenes


Create a  written proposal for both of  your soundtrack productions  on the blog  that must explain in detail information about the following and what you are planning to achieve in the soundtracks. These will be working documents and be handed in with the completed soundtracks.

Sequence summary( e.g name of film , length of sequence )

 Client  ( the director of your chosen film scene)

Sound Fx information (  list of sound effects in each scene to be recreated , library to be used e.g , Foley effect details, recording location information ,  ambience recording location ) 
  Music information ( diegetic/non-diegetic , genre of music, placement in scene , potential effect on mood and meaning , source  e.g studio/live recording/library sounds /Garageband ,  any copyright and licensing issues  e.g  MCPS -PRS)
Spoken word information ( types e.g dialogue, monologue,voicoever , accent /dialect, potential effect on mood and meaning of scene, techniques to be used e.g  lipsync , studio recording, recording location e.g studio, other environment )

Personnel  (  voice actors , technical support e.g media technician )

Resources   ( detailed information about microphones , computer hardware/software ,voice recorders etc. that you will be using. Find the media technician and look online for this information.)