
Wednesday, 22 January 2020

ASSIGNMENT 2 : Workshops evaluations and video files

ASSIGNMENT 2 : Workshops : evaluations and video files 

Deadline :  31/1/2020

You need to submit written  evaluations in Word document format ( single or multiple files) and
 video files ( mp4 )  for all of the workshops listed below.

 Make sure your evaluations focus on the technical and creative processes you completed in detail following the blog instructions  , any ideas or techniques you experimented with , possible alternatives and other ideas you could have used instead , as well as using key terms related to soundtrack production ( check 38.1 for help). Evaluations should aim for being a minimum of 300 words each.

Make sure all files are clearly named.

1  Adding a voiceover

2  Dubbing dialogue

3a   Adding music 1 Library music

3b Adding music 2    Creating music in Garageband

4  Recording an interview ( you can submit an audio file such as mp3)

5  Adding sound effects

Create a new Personal folder in googledrive and upload all of your files into it. You should be able to drag them in.

Share the folder by creating a link  and email the link to Romilly before the deadline .

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

WORKSHOP 5 : Adding Sound effects


You  will be  replacing and adding suitable background ambience  and  original diegetic sound effects ( rainfall, traffic noise, gunshots, footsteps etc.)for  a film or television sequence  

There are videofiles available on ART-MEDIA/MEDIA/SOUNDTRACK PRODUCTION/ 

You can also use a scene you have previously used for another workshop. You may want to use a scene without dialogue as you will be probably me muting the sequence.
If you want to make a long scene shorter , you will need to edit in in iMovie before adding to Garageband. This workshop requires a lot of editing so your chosen sequences can be fairly short.

REGISTER WITH FREESOUND  and use the website to search for and download suitable sound effects,

Drag the videofile into Garageband and mute the original audio if necessary.

You should use a mixture of library sound effects ( freesound, Youtube etc.) and  at least one Foley sound effect(  an effect you have recorded yourself. )  The advantage of Foley sound effects is that you can make them precisely fit the scene , rather than relying on existing sounds. You can record homemade sounds such as footsteps, room ambience , turning pages etc. using the laptop or your phone and then import them into your Garageband project.

Import and edit your sound effects in  Garageband  to make them sync to the visuals  and match the mood and meaning of the scene  as accurately  as possible. This may involve changing the length or pitch of the sound , or by adding effects such as reverb in Garageband. These can be accessed by clicking on Edit in the window on the right in Garageband and choosing from the list of effects.

When you have finished recording and editing the music , export the movie . ( Share/Export movie file )

Write a blog evaluation summarising the technical processes you completed , which sounds were the most challenging to recreaate, how the Foley recording was achieved and the overall technical success of your edited sequence.